real brainstorms.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

coming back.

I bought a bike. It is a 1980 Schwinn and its name is Bentley. Maybe my blog can be about my adventures with Bentley. I guess we will see.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Yes, I have decided to start a blog. Why now? There have been a few things in my life that have been pretty interesting. Sure, everyone has those, which is why I never found a blog to be my thing. But as the days vanish from the calendar, graduation gets nearer and nearer. It is so close, that I am in a bit of panic of what the hell I am going to do after. And besides that, I am half way loosing my mind so relying on my so-called "good" memory is a bad idea, and I would like to be able to remember all the great things I will experience my final semester as an undergraduate.
